Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A Home without Chaos

In the Rose Garden

Some days I sense enough anxiety that I feel as if it will choke the life out of me. But this is what slows me down. This is what stops my busyness and takes me to a precious state of contented weariness.

It makes me yearn for a life of peace and happiness.  And this anxiety helps make it happen.

Grandfathers and Grandmothers who have slowed down, and keep to a home routine are the most peaceful people I know.  They have lived long lives and have experienced many things. Very few things surprise or startle them anymore.  They smile knowingly and have the greatest amount of patience in anyone I've ever seen.

The home routine of the elderly goes at a slower pace.  They are not rushing off to this event or that one.  They have homes without chaos.  This may seem difficult to replicate when there are little ones and teenagers with so many needs, but it can happen.  It comes from the heart.

I have cut back on so many things that there is much time for leisure.  This time of leisure makes me patient and loving and able to endure many things. 

Those around us may have trials and troubles, but Mother's presence calms and soothes it all.

 To have a home without chaos does not mean there is no trouble, for that would be a lonely, solitary place with no residents.  This home I speak of, the peaceful home, comes from a soul weary mother who is heartsick for heaven.  There is a joy in her demeanor that quiets onlookers. 

Modern day troubles are nothing to her, because they are nothing to her God.  She knows who is sovereign over all. She has great faith that He is in control. Why should she fret?

 Her heartsickness makes her talk of the great journey she is slowing taking towards her eternal home. Why should she be caught up in the trials of this life?  Her King will take care of that.   

A precious, peaceful home is a state of mind.  It is deliberate, but takes much effort.   It can happen for those who are weary of this world's game.  It starts with a mother of great faith, who knows to whom she belongs.

Do you see that heavenly light in the window?  Do you see the peace and warmth in Mother?  She is the keeper of the home without chaos.  All who enter her house, despite what they see before them, are quickly comforted by the welcome of the heaven-bound mother.

Mrs. White

From the Archives -

Home Memories - Security of Home Routines.

A Slow and Simple Life - How a Housewife Passes the Time.

A Peaceful Place  - A Special Kind of Home.


Mrs. V. said...

I love this post and agree with it wholeheartedly. My husband and I have two teenagers and I can say that we have purposely tried to cultivate calmness in our home over the years and it has worked. Chaos does not belong here. I think it is cultivated by not only home routines and a mother's love, but by putting emphasis on how we treat each other, how we choose to parent, and they way we have taught our children to view the world. Do we have problems? Yes, for we live in this world. But we also have calmness and a lack of chaos. It didn't happen overnight. We had to lay the groundwork for it to happen this way. But we did the work and we can now reap the benefits of a close family, teenagers who love and respect us and one of the calmest homes I know! It is worth every bit of work that it takes to make it happen.

Beth said...

Mrs. White how I love your blog. It has brought me great joy in being old fashioned, even when others are not. I have 5 children and homeschool with ages 2-17. Chaos is a mild choice of a word to describe this home. Just yesterday I walked out of the room and sat for just a fleeting moment in my favorite yellow rocker and closed my eyes. Desperately seeking the Lord to help me breathe in and let the stress go. He always helps me in overwhelming moments. I hope to have a peaceful home.

Unknown said...

Love this! :) Blessings to you today!

Mrs. Sarah Coller

Unknown said...

Such a refreshing post! My house needs a lot less chaos. Thanks for sharing your blog on link-ups!! I'm your newest subscriber!!

living from glory to glory said...

Mrs. White, I have enjoyed reading your post. I have added you to my blog roll. My children are grown and gone, and at times I miss the busy, but the chaos never. I have always come against the stife and the rudness.Having a peacful home only comes with a lot of prayer and His presence! :)
Merry Christmas
Blessings, Roxy

Caroline said...

My husband and I strive for this and are always on the look out for ways to keep things simple and keep our focus on the important things rather than the trivial things that so easily become a distraction.

One of the biggest challenges I find are family and friends that overly encourage the accumulation of more "STUFF" and who want us to accept every invitation that comes our way. Bigger and more is not always best.


Housewife59 said...

I felt peace just reading this beautiful blog. I am finding the utter contentment and joy of slowing down. Thank you for this beautiful post.

Cathy said...

Thank you. My husband and I have turned into the grandparents with the slowed down, home centered routine. We have been married 38 years, and for most of those years, our home was a joyful but very noisy, busy, messy one, full of our own eleven children, and their friends! I love the line you wrote about a mother of great faith, who knows to whom she belongs.
So true.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sharon. I just wanted to stop by and tell you that I received my book and today I read it in one sitting.

Such a balm for this mama's heart; especially since two of my three children are now teens.

Thank you for that labor of love! Hugs from New England!

M said...

I just received your book today. I love it!! I will be keeping it by my Bible to read for extra encouragement. Thank you so very much for your writings. You are such a blessing to me. :)