Friday, May 27, 2011

The Seclusion of Home

It's been a rough week around here. We've had thunderstorms, power outages and internet loss. My teenagers and older children have been through trials. I've heard frustration. .  and complaints . .  and tried to soothe the tears. The world around us can be a painful place.

I have been working here- and- there around the house, as I have been able.  But the mere act of getting up in the morning is becoming too much. I am exhausted.  Maybe this is another forced rest?

I am going to have to really pace myself.   Earlier today, I actually craved a cane. I thought it would help keep me steady.  It's not that something is wrong with me, necessarily, just that life throws a lot of painful things my way. While I can endure it emotionally, it takes a physical toll.

This is why I love the seclusion of home.

This is the place where I can recover.  This is the precious place where hearts can be made whole. . . and weary souls can find rest.

May it be so.

Mrs. White

From the Archives -

Creating Beauty with -  The Romance of Home.

When I am well, I love - When Mother is Productive.

A heartwarming, inspiring Song - My Mother's Faith.

- To find out more about this blog, or Mrs. White, please visit our About page. -





Unknown said...

I just wanted you to know that I love the sweet honesty of your blog. I, too, have a number of "grown" children, and I have enjoyed your blogging about your experiences and patient reliance on the Lord.

I am praying for you during your "rest" time--not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit sayeth the Lord...


sandy16502 said...

May the Lord's peace heal you and your family during this time of turmoil. You are an inspiring woman. I will keep you in my heart and in my prayers.